The 50 bridal shower games listed below will be enjoyable for people of every generation.
Are you looking for wedding shower game suggestions? We’ve got a lot! These games are a lot of fun for everyone, from your besties to your family members, from tried-and-true classic games to imaginative new interpretations that are sure to become fan favorites.
Although games aren’t required at a bridal shower, they are a tradition for a reason: they let your closest friends get to know one another, celebrate the couple, and ensure that everyone has a good time.

- 1) Find The Guest
- 2) Who Can Make The Best Cocktail?
- 3) Cold Feet
- 4) Fantasy Date
- 5) How Well Does The Bride Really Know Their Spouse-to-Be?
- 6) Who Am I? ( Memory Lane)
- 7) Jumbled Words
- 8) The Toilet Paper Game
- 9) Shoe Game/Guess Who
- 10) Bridal Shower Scattergories
- 11) Two Truths And A Lie
- 12) The Apron Memory Game
- 13) The Kiss Game
- 14) Who Am I?
- 15) Never Have I Ever
- 16) Crossword Puzzle: Best Free Bridal Shower Game
- 17) Open Bar
- 18) Mint To Be
- 19) Off The Market
- 20) Don’t Say Yes! Printable Bridal Shower Games
- 21) React and Act
- 22) Bite The Bag
- 23) Sheet Mime
- 24) Beer Pong: One Of The Best Bridal Shower Games
- 25) Name The Tune Fun Bridal Shower Game
- 26) Articulate: A Perfect Bridal Shower Game
- 27) How’s Yours?
- 28) Most Likely To
- 29) Musical Chairs
- 30) Camera Hot Potato
- FAQs: All About The Wedding Shower Games Best For 2024
- Conclusion: Games For Bridal Shower
1) Find The Guest
How to play– Each attendee is given a list of qualities to identify a guest who matches each one—for example, who has been married for five years or longer, speaks a different language, wears black boots, and so on.
Why this game– Find the Guest is a fun game that can also be used as an icebreaker to get your guests talking. Everyone will have a great time talking up the room and learning more about their loved ones!
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2) Who Can Make The Best Cocktail?
How to play– Set up a full bar, mark all ingredients using cards, and challenge both teams to make the finest wedding drink. The bride can then select their favorite cocktail, and the winning team receives bar brownie points.
Why this game– This one is our personal favorite. It is an entertaining and humorous game and will be enjoyed by all of the guests, especially the bride.
What you require– Cards and a variety of drinks.
3) Cold Feet
How to play– Fill buckets or bowls with cold water and a handful of toy rings. Guests must immerse their feet in the freezing water and use their toes to pull the rings out. In two minutes, whoever can get the most rings out wins.
Why this game– This game is a lot of fun, and we guarantee that everyone will like it.
What you require– Buckets/bowls, several toy rings, and cold water are all you’ll need.
4) Fantasy Date
How to play– On a card, each guest writes the name of their ideal celebrity date. Everyone makes an effort to match the date with the guest. Have guests complete the opposite side of the card with their celeb date from hell for a more complex game; you must determine not only who wrote it, but also which side is which.
Why this game– Fantasy Date is an interesting game that will excite everyone present there. People will get to know one another better, and most importantly, some beans will be spilled.
What you require– Each guest will receive a game card, as well as pens/pencils and your purse/bag.
Do read: Best Truth or Drink Questions, Best Truth or Dare Questions.
5) How Well Does The Bride Really Know Their Spouse-to-Be?
How to play– Make a list of difficult questions to ask about the bride’s other half. Ask your guests to predict how many questions the future Mrs. will be able to accurately answer. So whoever properly answers the most questions wins.
Why this game– This game will be more of a test for the brides, and the grooms will definitely enjoy it.
What you require– A game card and something to write with.
6) Who Am I? ( Memory Lane)
How to play– A card is given to each player. They will jot down their names as well as a personal memory shared with the bride-to-be. Each one will be read aloud to the gathering by the bridal shower host. If the bride correctly guesses the guest, that individual receives a gift.
Why this game– This game is nostalgic in nature and brings back memories. So, we are certain that reliving some wonderful memories would be enjoyable.
What you require– Each participant gets a game card and something to write with. A few rewards would also be beneficial.
7) Jumbled Words
How to play– Each participant receives a jumbled word game card linked to weddings or bridal showers. Guests attempt to decode as many of the words as possible. The individual with the most right answers wins.
Why this game– This game may appear silly, yet it is thrilling and entertaining as always. You only need to have an understanding of the terms relating to bridal showers and other wedding activities to get started.
What you require– The victors will receive a wedding word jumble game card, a pencil, a timer, and a reward or two.
8) The Toilet Paper Game

How to play– To begin, arrange everyone in a circle. Give one player the toilet paper roll and instruct them to take as much as they believe they’ll need and keep it. Don’t give them any instructions on how much toilet paper to unroll.
Tell the first player to deliver their toilet paper roll to the next person and send the word along to the next player to take some toilet paper, with no instruction on how much to take, simply “take as much as you think you’ll need.” Don’t reveal the purpose to the participants.
Once everyone has a wad of toilet paper, explain how the game works: each participant must go around the room and disclose one thing about themselves every square of toilet paper they unrolled. Some players may have grabbed large wads of money, while others may have taken only a few squares. In each scenario, one fact is represented by each piece of toilet paper.
Why this game– This game will help the visitors get to know each other better since they will learn intriguing, amusing, and previously unknown facts about their friends and family.
What you require– A roll of toilet paper.
9) Shoe Game/Guess Who

How to play– Guests can guess the correct answers together with the couple using these handouts.
Why this game– This game is usually a hit with the crowd. Its goal is to spread cheerfulness and positive vibes.
What you require– You will need handouts which are attached below.
10) Bridal Shower Scattergories
How to play– Players must come up with original answers to the wedding-related statements and questions on their game cards.
Example: If the statement is “Words to describe a wedding” and the given letter is “E”, all guests try to come up with words that describe a wedding that begins with E.
- Exciting
- Expensive
- Energetic
- Eloquent
Players then read their answers out loud and score 1 point for answers that nobody else has. If two or more players have the same word, everyone crosses it off and they receive no points.
Why this game– This is an entertaining game that the guests will appreciate.
What you require– A bridal shower categories game card, something to write with, and a prize for the winner.
11) Two Truths And A Lie
How to play– To begin, one member must make three statements to the rest of the group about themselves. The key is that not all of the statements will be true—two should be truthful and one should be a lie. After you’re finished, everyone should guess which statement they think you made up. The person who guesses right receives a prize.
Why this game– This is a popular and entertaining game that allows individuals to get to know one another better.
What you need– Prizes for the winners.
12) The Apron Memory Game
How to play– Each visitor was given a pen and a sheet of paper as part of the game’s setup. Then, dressed in an apron, someone entered the room and walked (errrr shimmied and danced) for two minutes. He/she then vanished, leaving the visitors with three minutes to write down every kitchen object they could recall (writing could not begin until he/she had vanished).
Why this game– This game is perfect to test your memory and have fun at the same time.
What you require– A pen and something to write for all the guests. You’ll also require rewards for the winners.
13) The Kiss Game

How to play– Fill a jar up with Hershey Hugs Kisses (make sure you count them!). Have your guests write their name guess on a piece of paper. The person closest wins the whole jar! 🙂 “How Many Hugs Kisses Will The Bride-to-Be Get On Her Wedding Day?” game!
Why this game– This game is pretty simple and fun to play.
What you require– All you will need is a jar and a bunch of Hershey’s hug kisses. Plus, pen and paper for the guests to write their guesses.
14) Who Am I?
How to play– It is a guessing game where you act or draw the famous person on the slip of paper that you drew. Can your teammates guess who you’re pretending to be?
There are many other variations of this game, one of our favorites is to use sticky notes and place the name on the guests’ backs.
Why this game– It makes for a fun and easy icebreaker.
What you require– Paper and pen for all the guests.
15) Never Have I Ever
How to play– The classic game of Never Have I Ever had to be included in this list of party games for adults. With 400+ questions, there are some fresh ideas here that your guests won’t be expecting.
Besides the huge number of questions, there’s also a drinking game variation, penalty variation, and non-alcoholic variation.
Why this game This is one of the best games we have ever come across.
What you require– Drinks and all, if you’re playing the alcoholic version.
16) Crossword Puzzle: Best Free Bridal Shower Game

How to play– It’s a fairly basic game to play. All you have to do is print out the bridal shower crossword puzzles or sketch them on a whiteboard. Using the facts put below, each person will have to guess the term. A reward will be given to the individual who responds correctly.
Why this game– This is a fun and thrilling game which is loved by all.
What you require– Printouts or a board and some markers. Prizes for the winners.
17) Open Bar
How to play– Choose a few little chocolate bars from a larger bar and place a gold sticker on the bottom before the celebration. Then, on a flat surface, arrange them in lines or in a group.
To play the game, players must choose one small candy bar and eat it if it does not have a gold sticker. Players must keep choosing and eating candy bars until they locate one with a gold star.
Why this game– This game is perfect for all candy lovers.
What you require– A handful of candy bars. That’s it.
18) Mint To Be

How to play– Players must suck a particular amount of mints into a straw and keep it sucked up until they can deposit it in a jar on the opposite side of the room.
Race to be the first to reach a set number or see who can complete the most tasks in one minute.
Why this game– This is a funny one that everyone will enjoy since it will make the celebration more exciting.
What you require– A couple of mints, straws, and a jar.
19) Off The Market
How to play– Purchase a few wedding-related products or items from the bride’s registry (and then present them to the bride) and make sure you know how much everything costs.
Players must race to place the items in the correct order from most expensive to least expensive.
Either time them to see who can do it in under a minute or see who can complete it in the shortest amount of time.
In any case, I’d have someone perform it first and then have the other player come in afterward to avoid any indications.
Why this game– This party game is a good icebreaker and makes the event more engaging.
What you require– you will require wedding-related products, a pen, and paper.
Is your Son’s birthday around the corner? Read Heartfelt Birthday Wishes for Son.
20) Don’t Say Yes! Printable Bridal Shower Games
How to play- You’ve certainly heard of those forbidden word games, but this one will be very difficult. Guests are not permitted to use the word “yes” or any variant thereof.
If they utter the word during the party, you can give them a sticker or a yarn necklace. At the end of the night, it’ll be interesting to see who is the most “decorated.”
Why this game– This game is one of our favorites. This is a great game to get you started and to put your patience to the test.
What you require– You will require a couple of artificial necklaces or stickers.
21) React and Act
How to play– Respond, and Act is an icebreaker game in which your guests will act and react to various scenarios like winning the lottery or being fired.
Full instructions are included, as well as a few modifications to keep the game fresh.
Why this game– We are sure that the guests will have fun while playing this game.
What you require– Nothing as such.
22) Bite The Bag

How to play– Bite the Bag is a simple drinking game in which your friends will try to take up a paper bag with their mouths alone.
When a guest fails, they must drink: Clearly, the game will become more amusing as the night progresses.
Why this game– This game is such a thrilling icebreaker.
What you require– A bunch of paper bags and some drinks, obviously.
23) Sheet Mime
How to play– The Sheet Mime game can be played in a variety of ways, but the core principles remain the same. Everyone takes turns playing four different rounds after putting a couple of nouns into a hat (the more in-jokey, personal, and absurd the better!). In the first round, each player is given a word and must communicate what it means without actually pronouncing it. Pull a different word from the bowl in the following round and act it out. In the third round, use only one word to describe the term. And what about the fourth? Under a sheet, each participant must act it out. It does become a little ridiculous.
Other versions of the game include around in which you must explain the phrase just with your eyes, or around in which you must use slightly simpler words from the hat, such as persons or things.
Why this game– This is a perfect game for these types of occasions.
What you require– Pen, paper and a couple of jars.
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24) Beer Pong: One Of The Best Bridal Shower Games

How to play– Beer Pong is a game in which you try to throw a ping pong ball into your opponent’s cup, causing them to drink the contents. Place six cups in a triangular form on either end of a kitchen table, countertop, or ping pong table.
Take turns throwing the ball into your opponent’s cups from your end as a team, making sure to be clear about your regulations from the start. Is it permissible for the ball to bounce? Is it okay if you strike the rim? The team that lands the ball in all of the opposition’s cups before they do it to you is the winner.
Why this game– This game is another absolute classic that is loved and enjoyed by everyone.
What you require– Ping pong balls, a couple of cups and some drinks.
25) Name The Tune Fun Bridal Shower Game
How to play– This is a game that everyone knows how to play, and it is always a winner. All you need is a singing voice that is (semi-in-tune). To play, someone chooses a song and just hums it. Everyone else has to guess what song it is, and the person who guesses it correctly first wins. After that, the winner gets to choose the next song, and so on.
You may convert it into a drinking game to take it up a level and make it a more ‘adult’ version. So, the one who correctly identifies the song first is exempt from having to drink, but the losers must. It may rapidly become highly competitive!
Why this game– This is a perfect game for a bridal shower.
What you require– Nothing as such.
26) Articulate: A Perfect Bridal Shower Game
How to play– Isn’t it true that everyone enjoys a nice game of Articulate? The rules are easy if you’ve never played before. One person is the describer, while the others are the guessers, in groups of two or more. Without stating the actual word, the describer must choose a card from the front of the pack and describe the word in the category that corresponds to the section on the board where the team’s counter is located.
“The complete name of Khloe, Kourtney, Kylie, and Kendall’s sister,” the describer may say if your category is “People” and the person is “Kim Kardashian.”
Why this game– This game is enjoyed by everyone.
What you require– Game cards.
27) How’s Yours?
How to play– Choose one individual to play the role of “It” and expel them from the room. Select a common attribute among the remaining people: hair, pieces of clothing, or body parts all work. “How’s yours?” they’ll inquire when the individual returns. The person should then define their characters with a one-word adjective. (For shirts, itchy, thick, and stretchy are all good options.) Rep until the person who asked you the question correctly guesses the attribute.
Why this game– This guessing game is a crowd-pleaser and is very fun and exciting to play.
What you require– Nothing as such.
28) Most Likely To
How to play– This party game is best played with a small group of friends or relatives. As a group, form a circle. Begin by asking, “Who do you think is most likely to trip over their own feet?” (Or a different scenario, trait, or action.) Count down from three (a hand drumroll is advised) and then have everyone point to the person they believe is most likely to complete the act. The person with the most fingers pointing at them is the one that gets eliminated. Ask “Who’s most likely to…” to everyone in the circle until just one person remains. To make the game continue longer, you can skip the eliminations.
Why this game– This game is another people-pleaser. Gets more entertaining as the game progresses.
What you require– Nothing as such.
29) Musical Chairs

How to play– It’s a popular children’s party game, but adults may join in the fun as well. Set up a circle of chairs (or seat cushions) facing outward, with enough seats for everyone who will be participating, except one. Make one person the music player, and the rest of the group should form a circle around the circle of chairs. Walk around the chairs when the music starts; when the music stops, everyone must locate a seat. Those who do not comply will be ejected. Remove another chair and repeat until two individuals are vying for the same spot.
Add your own rules to make musical chairs more intriguing. Allow individuals to sit on top of each other (as long as their feet aren’t touching the floor), or add your own changes.
Why this game– It is an absolute classic and is loved and played by people of all ages.
What you require– A couple of chairs or cushions.
30) Camera Hot Potato
How to play– Choose a phone to distribute around to the rest of the group. Set it to self-timer mode (10 seconds is ideal) and take a regular shot, not a selfie. Pass the phone around, with each individual posing for the camera while holding it up for a time. Repeat the process until the shot is captured. Take a peek at the (probably undignified) images at the conclusion.
Why this game– Perfect game for all photos lovers.
What you require– A phone. Lol
Enjoyed this article? Then also read Brain Teasing Riddles for Adults.
FAQs: All About The Wedding Shower Games Best For 2024
Most guests can expect to play two to four games, based on the duration of the bridal shower (or one game per hour).
There’s no shortage of ways to keep guests entertained, from taking photographs in a DIY photo booth with fun decorations to chatting over cocktails and mocktails from a bridal shower bar.
While Etsy provides printable and downloadable bridal shower game templates, party supply retailers like Party City typically have budget-friendly bridal shower games that complement your theme.
You can look out for prizes such as Coffee Mugs, Gift Cards(Target, Walmart), Candles, Plants, Wine, Scrunchies, Gift Hampers, and so on.
Conclusion: Games For Bridal Shower
We are damn sure that these wedding shower games will be enjoyed by the bride, groom, and everyone else present at the wedding. These games help you make the event more fun, happening, and memorable, especially for the bride.
Thank you for visiting. For more such articles visit our website.
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