Benefits of Intermittent Fasting! This helpful article will act as a helpful guide to understand the overall concept of Intermittent fasting. In this topic we will cover What is Intermittent Fasting? , Intermittent Fasting Benefits, Types of Intermitted fasting and few other things related to it.
So lets first start with What it is and then we will cover the benefits.

What is Intermittent Fasting ?
What is Intermittent Fasting? As the name suggests it is a type of Fasting. Some define it as A Method of eating that limits the time for how much you eat others say it as A method of Dieting that restricts the amount of time you are allowed to eat. Either ways it is the same.Intermittent fasting is gaining popularity in recent years. But Why? Because it is an effective way to loose bad cholesterol, improve health and live longer.
Now are there various types of Intermittent fasting which has been devised. Before proceeding with any of its type,you must consult with your Nutritionist. A Full Body checkup must be done and only after is recommended for you, must go ahead.
Benefits of Intermittent Fasting ?

There are some great benefits of Intermittent Fasting as mentioned below. Benefits of intermittent fasting will be visible from 1st month itself if done correctly. Intermittent fasting is a beneficial for everyone. In the beginning we recommend you to try it out with consultation. In case you are moving towards fasting, move slowly and let the body adapt it. This will help you in continuing it for long without any problems and your body will adapt Intermittent fasting well. Incase you find any difficulty, you may take the help of dietitian or your family doctor to discuss the same.
We have mentioned some Benefits of Intermittent fasting –
- Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss – Main reason why people opt for fasting is because they want to lose weight. Out of habit we tend to over eat and not count the calories that we regularly intake. Fasting helps to lose the extra bad calories.
- Intermittent Fasting for Gut Health – It improves your Gut Health. A healthy gut is a Happy Human. Intermittent fasting gives your overworked gut a break from energy-intensive tasks like digesting and assimilating food.
- Intermittent Fasting for Inflammation – It Lowers Inflammation ( a condition that can lead to various diseases such inflammatory bowel syndrome.) It will also help in the repairing of cells, which intern help you control the signs of ageing.
- Intermittent Fasting May Help in Diabetes Control – This Study has noticed that Early time restricted feeding helped in improve Insulin Sensitivity and thus control of sugar levels. People
- Intermittent Fasting Improves Heart Health – As per the Study Heart related diseases tops the reason for death. This Study has noticed that alternate day fasting reduced blood pressure, cholestrol, weight and thus overall heart health. There are multiple Studies to relate this.
- Intermittent Fasting Increases Energy
- Surprising to many but, Intermittent Fasting Helps you Focus
- Intermittent Fasting Improves memory and boosts brain functions
- Finally, Intermittent Fasting Slow down the ageing Process and increases longetivity
Types of Intermittent Fasting ?
- 5:2 diets.
- Alternate Day Fasting
- 16/8 method
Try small quantity of snacks during first few fasts. You may feel little weak also initially which is normal. Incase you feel any abnormal symptom, stop fasting immediately.
Alternate Day Fasting You may want to gradually move to alternate day fasting which says every alternate day fasting. Again, you have to restrict your calorie intake to 500 and advised to take only light and healthy high fiber food and boilled/grilled non oily intakes. As suggested above you can have munching during the day for initial fasts and then gradually reduce them once your body adapts. You are the best judge and you know your body more then anyone else. Try to continue for initial tough days and you will soon adapt. But don’t be rigid, if its not suiting you, there are other ways too.
16/8 Intermittent Fasting Personally speaking, I liked this type of Intermittent fasting very much. Your day is divided into fasting and non fasting Hours. You Can eat everyday your normal food but only point to note here is that 16 hours fasting and 8 hours Non Fasting hours. For example – you begin your eating at 11 am and can have it only till 7 PM. You choose your hours as per your schedule and ease. It may also be like 12 noon to 8 pm as non fasting hours. Then 8 PM to 12 noon next day will be 16 hrs fasting.
How to get started with Intermittent Fasting ?
Consult with your Doctor and ensure you are physically ready for this Plan. You can first start with Intermittent fasting for 14 days and then check how you feel about it? You can start with 16 /8 method . Fast for 12- 16 hours and eat during the eating time. Wake-up at early morning and eat healthy and energized breakfast, with natural sugar food, (avoid processed or artificial sugar) hydrate yourself with Liquid Diets. Avoid eating throughout the day. In the beginning you might feel irritated but once your body and mind gets used to it, you will be fine.(Irritation is caused due to low or no intake of Processed Sugar). Also Once you break you fast, do not consume Non healthy fried food. Intake of Fruits, Dry Fruits, Lentils, Vegetables is recommended. When you don’t eat for 10-16 hours, your body reaches into its fat stores for energy- a desirable effect if your goal is losing weight.
Practicing this 16/8 plan for few weeks, you can gradually move towards other plan also.
How Intermittent Fasting Increases your Metabolism? Should you do Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss?

As we fast for more than 12 hours a day and eat calories only for a smaller window. Due to which less body lean mass is lost and more amount of fat is burnt.The main goal is to burn more calories which would in turn boost the metabolism.
Did you Know ? Intermittent Fasting helps you hold on to muscle mass.
F.A.Q.- How much can you lose in a month with Intermittent fasting ?
It depends from person to person. Also, one must religiously do intermittent fasting.One must make a habit, if the goal is weight loss. Intermittent fasting burns visceral fats, a type of stubborn fat around the abdomen area. And Since It reduces Inflammation which is one of the key reason for weight loss.
Disclaimer : People diagnosed with any medical condition must strictly consult with their Doctors before choosing the type of Intermittent fasting..
-Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs for Intermittent Fasting-
a) How to Suppress Hunger during Initial Days of Intermittent Fasting-
During Initial days, you might find it tough to control your hunger which is absolutely normal for most of you. You will have to make it a habit but slowly. You cannot simply leave your normal life suddenly, if so, you find it tough. If you have that will power, its ok, Else you may try Non oily and rich in fiber foods like nuts, boiled or grilled vegetables, fruits etc. Protein like Fish, meat and egg etc are also good to go. You can also have black coffee or tea. Keep yourself hydrated, drink liquids. You can do munching a small quantity twice thrice a day for your initial days.
Frankly speaking, its all mind game, In India people do Vrats (Fast) almost every month since ages. Our mythology already suggested Fasting for various festivals, mythological occasions and according to planets like tuesday or saturday fasting. People of all ages do almost all types of fasting without any issues.
b) How to overcome "Low on Energy" Feeling during Intermittent Fasting-
Drink black coffee- it is a low calorie drink which give energy. Also, Keep yourself hydrated, it will also give you the feeler of tummy full and hence automatically your brain will not think of it too much 🙂 . Avoid thinking too much and stop taking stress on yourself that you are on fasting. If so, you can meditate also a little.
a) What can you eat during Intermittent Fasting-
While there are not much restrictions on what you can eat during Intermittent fasting, still you should avoid junk, fried and food containing processed sugar etc. The idea is to eat healthy. One should focus on eating easy to digest food so that your body can focus more on burning fat and flushing out toxins, rather then digesting what you ate today. You may have proteins, fibres, liquids etc.
Few Suggestions –
a) Potatoes – Yes, Potatoes are great source of energy and will satisfy your hunger for longer duration. While many of you believe that it increases Fat etc, This Study Contradicts the same and votes in favor of potatoes. Avoid fried potatoes etc
b) Probiotics– You can have yogurt etc as it will help you keep your digestion fit.
c) Eggs – Boiled Eggs are rich in proteins and a non oily, easy to cook option.
d) Whole Grains – they are rich in proteins and fibres both, easy to digest, a healthy option which keeps your metabolism strong.
e) Fish – Rich in Vitamin D, it is also a tasty option for you.
f) Fruits and Vegetables – You can always have variety of fruits and vegetables. Go for one seasonal fruit per fasting day and keep changing. You will not get bored as you will have options and something new everyday.
g) Black Coffee /Tea – Low Calorie, high on energy and refreshing drinks
Apart from this you can findout multiple options on the web.

Will intermittent fasting be of good benefit to the body in the rest. Especially for body growth.