Definitive guide to let you know – a) Which is the best Direction to Sleep and why, b) Which is the worst direction to sleep along with c) best direction to eat. Know the best direction you should always head for sound sleep. Its not only what time you go to bed, its also about the direction.
If the direction is not correct, you will always wake-up lazy and feel like unhealthy.

Why South is one of the best direction to sleep?
South is best direction to sleep, you should always head towards south when you sleep. As per Vedic Sanatan Dharma belief, direction of South is ruled by the Hindu God Yama. For sound sleep without any disturbance sleep with your head towards south.
Also as per science – magnetic pole theory, there is a mutual attraction which promotes positive vibrations. When you have your -head positive and south negative, it definitely creates a harmonious exchange of energy. This direction draws energy into the body. While in case of north it goes out.
Direction of south- promotes health, happiness, and prosperity.
Your day is a waste if you are not sleeping well. You yourself after reading this, can now experiment with the position of your bed.
During my Vastu classes some 5-6 years back, I heard this problem from many. I started recommending this direction to friends and family only to find immediate relief from sleepless and restless nights.
North- is it the worst direction to sleep?
“Just dead individuals rest pointing north.” It is Hindu custom, Head of someone who is dead, always points north before final cremation (PanchTatva Vileen). As per the tradition and Vedic sanatan dharma – Hindu conviction is that north is the course that the spirit takes to leave the body. Try not to rest north.
Are all the reasons in Vedic Vastu correct? Or is all this just a matter of talking?