Lets Discuss some well known Home remedies of cough collated for you in this one article for your ease. These remedies have worked for me and basis the personal experience, Iam writing this. Since ages, I have seen my grandmother giving these Home Based Remedies for Cough to my GrandFather, similarly, My mom offered these remedies to my father, me and everyone at home. Infact, my son, who is allergic and often found suffering from cough, gets relief from these remedies.
I would still recommend all the viewers to not only rely on Home based remedies if you don’t see any benefit in 2-3 days. In the present environment, there can be 100s of reasons behind even a simple disease and we should not ignore it. I will always encourage you to go and get yourself checked with Doctor as he is the best one to give you surety.
11 Powerful Home Remedies for Cough | That works for me.
So Lets begin with some wellknown Home Based Remedies for Cough, which are trusted for years by our GrandMaa’s and not a secret today, but yes, the list will help you recall them.
1) Turmeric Milk -
Home Based Remedies of Cough and Cold
Turmeric is a powerful herbal antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medicine, used as a regular spice in India. But unfortunately, not every part of the world knows about its miraculous benefits. In India, people use it since ages with Milk.
Turmeric and Milk combination (Haldi ka Doodh) helps in relief from Cold, Cough, throat infections and You can use it to cure other infections as well. Infact, it improves your complexion also 🙂 .
You simply need to add one tablespoon turmeric in a glass of Milk, Boil it and drink it before your go to sleep.

2) Honey -
Home Based Remedies for Dry Cough
Honey is one of the best Home Based Remedies for Cough which gives you significant relief from dry cough. It will help you and your children in night time cough and sleeping difficulty because of cough. It’s anti-inflammatory properties helps soothe the throat.
You can Mix Honey in lukewarm water and gargle it, or you can swallow it. Can also Mix some Ginger crush in Honey and take it in a spoon and consume it.
Also, you can have it with warm milk. Honey helps best in Dry cough.
Note – Honey consumption isn’t advised for children below 12 months.

3) Ginger -
Home Based Remedies for Dry Cough and Cold
Ginger is also used as Remedy for Cough since ages. It is a known anti inflammatory herbal medicine which you can easily chew. You can also boil Ginger in water for few minutes and then have it easily. Alternatively, You can also Mix some Ginger crush in Honey and take it in a spoon and consume it.
Ginger tea you can take twice or thrice a day as per symptoms. Honey and Ginger Combination helps best in Dry cough.
4) Salt Water Gargle -
Home Based Remedies of Cough
This is one of the best Home Based Remedies for Wet Cough. It is also helpful in getting relief from sore throat. You can Mix some salt in water, boil it. Let it cool down a little as we only need Lukewarm water. Gargle with Lukewarm water for 3–4 times in a day. You will see improvements after 2-3 times but you need to continue it for few days.
5) Tulsi or Basil Leaves -
Home Based Remedies for Cough and Cold
Tulsi again is widely used as a immunity booster and hence great Home Based Remedies for Dry Cough. It is also helpful in getting relief from various immunity related infections. It is a commonly found medicinal plant or herb. You would love Tulsi Tea also as it tastes great.
6) Fluid and Warm Liquids -
Home Based Remedies of Dry Cough

Keep yourself hydrated. Drink liquids like warm water 4-5 times a day, Herbal tea etc. Try to drink warm liquids as it will ease up the dry cough and you will feel relaxed soon. Its a free remedy and worth trying.
7) Black Pepper Tea -
Home Based Remedy of Dry Cough and Cold

This was the favorite remedy of my grand mother. You find anyone with little cough or someone just coughed for once, you will find her running behind with Black Pepper Tea. Personally, I have experienced the power of Black Pepper while you are down with cold and cough. Alternatively, for better taste, you can add, cardamom or clove also.
Needless to say, Steam is a great reliever in cough. Be a bit careful while you go for steaming as few people often burn their hands being casual. Use safe utencils or a proper steamer for the purpose. It will clear your blocked airways and you can feel instant relief. Click here to see some videos on how to take steam.
9) Brandy /Rum (Only Few Drops)-
Home Remedies for Cough and Cold
If you don’t have problem with Alcohol, Just 4-5 drops of Brandy or Rum can help you. Mix it with Honey and consume it. It will help you. You can also rub it on your chest.
10) Eucalyptus Oil-
Home Based Remedy of Dry Cough and Cold
Eucalyptus Oil is widely used in various cough medicines. Organic Eucalyptus Oil’s 2-3 drops on handkerchief and keep it near to your nose. Also, you can take as a steam by putting 2-3 drops in water. It will help as a decongestant.
Chewing of burnt Cloves act as a medicine to cough. Clove also relieves throat irritation. Honestly, Clove tea has helped many in fighting against common cold. It is a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial home based herbal remedy for all kinds of cough.

How to Prevent Cold and Cough ?
- For Allergic cough, stay away from known irritants and sources like dust, perfumes etc
- Drink Plenty of water, specially warm fluids incase you sense the first sign of cough. Go for herbal teas / green teas regularly as they also improve your immunity.
- Work on your immunity – exercise regularly, meditate, do deep breathing, Yoga etc.
- Stay at a distance from people who are already suffering from Cough, cold or flu.
- You Should Wash your hands regularly. Use Sanitizer regularly.
- Take enough sleep, atleast for 7–9 hours each night to stay fit and healthy.
- Avoid frequent temperature changes like AC in Car, then suddenly moving out in 40 Degrees scorching heat outside and then again in super chilled Mall for shopping. (In India, we call it Sardi-Garmi)
I have used basil or basil leaves, it has been very beneficial for me, thanks to me.
Thank you very much for sharing this blog because I was very upset with my lot, which I have completely corrected by using Black Pepper Tea.