Looking for oneliners or jokes about adulting? If yes, you must read this article, all jokes will make you laugh. These are the best jokes for 2024.
People frequently believe that adulthood is some type of destination that you will surely reach when you are younger. You have an image in your mind of this successful, self-assured person who is very conscious of their adulthood.
Even when you can live up to some of your expectations, there will unavoidably be times when you feel as though you are barely holding it together.
Since life is complicated and being an adult is difficult, whenever you’re worried, it’s not about saying meaningless things like, “Is it wine o’clock yet?” Real adulting is facing our lives honestly and openly as we make our way through both the good and the bad moments.

Although becoming an adult is a process that might cause worry and anxiety, here are some humorous jokes about adjusting that can help you feel a bit less heavy.
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The retirement age needs to be lowered to 25. I’ve had enough.

Me at 14: can’t wait to travel the whole world once i’m earning my own money
Me now: mustn’t forget that tupperware at work, it’s my only one

Nobody talks about Jesus’ miracle of having 12 close friends in his 30s
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Birthday at 21: Takes 12 different shots from 12 different bars
Birthday at 37: Takes two different pain relievers because I literally hurt myself sleeping

If replacing a dirty dish sponge with a new one puts you in a good mood, you’re officially an adult
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I’m an adult, and I can eat whatever I want whenever I want, and I wish someone would take this power from me.

Most adult friendships are just figuring out whose turn it is to cancel plans.

Being an adult is opening the dishwasher and yelling “ARE THESE CLEAN OR DIRTY?” until you die
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I’m at the point in my life where I check my email as part of my social media line up
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My favorite childhood memory is my back not hurting

True mark of adulthood: instead of your parents scheduling your doctor’s appointments, you just avoid going to the doctor & hope u don’t die

Used to sneak out my house to go to parties, now I sneak out of parties to go to my house
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My vision board is just a picture of me sleeping.

Me as a kid: I can’t wait until I’m an adult and nobody can tell me what to do
Me as an adult: Someone please tell me what to do

Being an adult is pretty easy, you just feel tired all the time and tell people about how tired you are and they tell you how tired they are

Remember when u were little & u’d fall on the trampoline & everyone would keep jumping so you couldn’t get back up? That’s being an adult

I’m at the age where I finally understand why anyone would be happy to win a new appliance package on The Price is Right.

Saying “sorry the place is a mess” when a guest enters your home despite the fact that you spent three hours making sure it’s immaculate prior to their visit is adult culture.

Kids just want to be grown-ups, but all grown-ups want are snacks and naps.

The irony of finally being old enough to do whatever you want when you’re “grown-up” is that you’re too tired to want to do any of it.

You become an adult when you open a carton of eggs to check it before buying.

I used to think that adulthood was one crisis after another.
I was wrong.
as it turns out, adulthood is multiple crises, concurrently, all the time, forever

I think the most exciting thing about being an adult is never knowing what part of your body is going to hurt the next day.

I just took a DNA test, turns out I’m 100% overworked and mentally drained but still doing my best to maintain a well balanced life.

Being an adult is like being a Quentin Tarantino movie: it starts out real cool, there’s lots of cursing, it’s very confusing, everyone dies

Adulthood is trying each of the same six passwords that you use for everything and complaining that you’re tired.

No one warned me that being an adult was mostly just hurrying up to get somewhere you don’t want to go in the first place

Being an adult is just finally getting why your mom was upset about stuff when you were a kid.

Being an adult is mostly being exhausted, wishing you hadn’t made plans, and wondering how you hurt your back.

Adulthood is wishing that everything was just as easy as getting fat
Conclusion: Jokes and One Liners About Adulting 2024
That’s all for today; let’s return to reality right away! I hope these jokes got some chuckles out of you, I’ll advise you to chuckle as you struggle since it will make things go more smoothly.
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