If you are dreaming of a house and want to know the significance behind it and what it could mean, then you should read this article in detail. The meaning of houses in dreams can be dualistic, depending on the dream, it may be positive or negative.
Let’s get started and find what it can symbolize if you are seeing a dream of a house.
- Dreaming of an Old House in a Nutshell
- Dream About an Old House (You Used to Live In) | Meaning and Interpretation
- Dream About a House Meaning and Interpretation
- Some Myths | Dream About an Old House
- Positive Signals Related to Dream About an Old House – A Myth or A Reality?
- Negative Signals & Warnings About Dream Of an Old House You Used to Live In
- What kind of House Dreams You Should Generally Notice?
- Dreams Definition
Dreaming of an Old House in a Nutshell
Dreaming about your Old house can have more than a few reasons, some common ones are mentioned below.
- You may be thinking about someone who still lives there, your Mom or Dad for example.
- You may have recently met someone from your childhood who often visited you in your old house.
- You may be worried about the care of that property.
- You may have seen a house in a movie or outside that looked quite similar to your house.
Myths about an Old House
- The dream may signify that there may be something in your old house that you need to bring into your current life.
- It is believed that Dreaming of a house is a dream of yourself. They say ‘You are the house’ in Vastu-shastra.
Read further into the article for detailed info on the topic.
Dream About an Old House (You Used to Live In) | Meaning and Interpretation
Are you wondering why you are having a Dream about an Old house you used to live in? Well, you aren’t alone, I also saw my Old house at my native place a few days back in my Dreams.
But honestly, it was a very pleasing dream, I was with the entire family having fun over there (a few best days during my childhood). It is an Interesting Topic today because a few days back, I was surfing the internet, scrolled multiple sites, and consulted a few elders about the same thing.
I currently live in Delhi (India) which is about 300 Km away from my hometown where I was born and brought up. For the last few days, I have been seeing my old house in my Dreams, this house was constructed by my father and myself and took a lot of effort. Is it strange, worry-some, positive, negative, or funny? Let’s find out –
Dream About a House Meaning and Interpretation

The first thought according to me is that it is a very common symptom, sometimes when you think of something nostalgic, your subconscious mind starts drilling into it. These subconscious thoughts during the day can show up as dreams when you sleep.
I was just trying to figure out the reason and after thinking a lot about this, I concluded the following possible reasons –
- Your Attachment and Memories could be the reason for the dream as you have spent a long time there.
- Someone very close to you still lives there, Like my mom still lives in my hometown. So whenever I think of her, my mind automatically pictures her cooking food in the kitchen and that could be the reason for this dream.
- Something related to your house, you may have seen a house like your own, or perhaps a room that was very similar to the one you had in your old house. Whenever such things happen, they can appear in your dreams, this is quite very common with me.
- Maybe in the back of your mind, you are worried about the care of property there.
- Recently, I also met a few of my childhood friends who used to live near my old house, we used to play together on the terrace there, and meeting them brought back those memories, which could be the reason for the dreams.
- There is something in the back of your mind that has triggered this dream. Try to figure that out.
Are you missing your Old House?
If such things are happening, then there is no harm in planning a visit to your old house and connecting back to your roots.

Some Myths | Dream About an Old House
I came across some myths pertaining to your Dream of Old House –
- If you are dreaming of your old home, it may also signal that there is something from your past life that you either need to bring into your current life or leave it again in the past. You may want to analyze your dream’s advice on what to leave behind and the things that you should take with you in your current life.
- Dreaming of House is dreaming about Yourself. They say “You are the house”. Even in Vastu-shastra, they try to connect yourself, your birth chart, etc to the house.
- It is believed that your entire house is a figure of a human being, Northeast being the head. It says how your House connects you with your relations, finance, goodwill, growth, and happiness in your life.
- Consider talking to a Vastu Expert. Vastu Shastra believes your old house always has an impact on your life even if you are not living there currently.
- Your House is your identity and a sense of Self.
Positive Signals Related to Dream About an Old House – A Myth or A Reality?
Few things are always mysterious and don’t have a static answer for everyone. Dreams for everyone could signal a specific action or situation owing to one’s life. Hence we can only make assumptions.
Just sharing some positive signals (as per my belief) if you Dream of your Old House –
- If you are beautifying, adding value, adding floors, or improving the house, that may be a sign of good fortune and even good health.
- Paintings on the walls, Art, etc. may be a sign of some creative idea in your mind is going to take its shape soon.
- Dreaming of an Old house with no negative signs can also be a sign of self-confidence that you are on the right path and doing great in your life.
- Again, dreaming of Living in or Moving Back to your old House, repairing, etc is also a positive sign.
Negative Signals & Warnings About Dream Of an Old House You Used to Live In
Let’s also discuss the flip side as well. Nothing to worry about too much about, just relax and take a few precautions. Just sharing some Negative signals (as per my belief) if you Dream of your Old House –
- If you some theft happening in your Old house, you may consider securing all your belongings including changing all critical passwords which may result in losses. In case you have given a loan to someone, you should chase them back for it. Your subconscious mind might be signaling you regarding some financial decisions also which you are not sure of. Secure your finances.
- In case, you just saw a house in bad shape or something that you didn’t like about it, that may be a sign of ignorance and neglect in terms of your own well-being, health, and overall care. That may also reflect your low confidence and need for some support. Look out for some cheerful company soon. Start keeping yourself happy.
- Any dream related to any unforeseen event like a damaged house, Fire, etc may be a sign of danger to you because of some bad habit you may have. Immediately figure them out and consider staying away from them. Leave all your life-threatening bad habits as it’s not something that you should have in the back of your mind.
What kind of House Dreams You Should Generally Notice?
You only need to relate a few dreams about your Old House, like what you have seen is sounding good or scary.
Whether you enjoyed that dream or not. In simpler words, would you again want to see that dream or not? As mentioned above, if everything you have seen in a dream is related to beautiful colors, perfect shapes, Arts and crafts, parks and lawns, Addition to floors, Paintings, Some of the best times spent there, etc, Then it’s a perfect dream to have signifying positives about your life.
You only need to take precautions If you have seen something that you didn’t like unpainted walls, broken walls, theft or fire incidents, etc.
In case you are not getting rid of these dreams and are worried, there is no harm in visiting a specialist in your town and having a consultation. Use this above guide only as my personal belief as everyone could have his or her own positive and negative biases for every topic.
Dreams Definition
Something Off the Topic, but some people don’t even know the difference between dreaming and thinking.
As per the Dictionary – “The activities, images, and feelings experienced by the mind during sleep”
One of the characteristics of Dreams is that It is a “visionary creation of the imagination”.
You also Dream of becoming something and buying something more of thinking and not a dream exactly like – I dream of becoming rich or I dream of buying a Mercedez Benz.
Example of Dreams Definition –
I had a very strange dream about you last night.
I saw my old house in my dreams last night.
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