I love sharing superstitions from around the world and was surprised to see so many Google searches related to eye twitching. So I figured I should share my research with you all. In this article, we will cover the meaning of left and right eye twitching superstition.
Eye twitching is a medical condition. It is known as blepharospasm. “Superstition” on the other hand is a word that you might have heard a lot but never really explored.
Superstition is a belief that cannot be explained by reason or science.
Left or right eye twitching superstition meaning also depends upon various cultures and countries. It is very interesting to note that different cultures have different opinions related to eye twitching.
The eyes are often related to some mystical force, hypnosis, an all-seeing eye, or an evil eye. Now, even in the year 2024, some feel that there is either a spiritual message, omen, or superstition meaning behind an eye twitch.

People listen to these types of things and if they are intrigued, they search for them. I did the same! When I was just 12 years of age, I found my grandmother talking about these superstitions with her friend. It sounded as if something magical was happening in this world.
What could a 12-year-old child think? These things may or may not fascinate you. But if they do, would you have questioned your elders or have searched about these things?

The Internet those days was new to me and our teachers told us that it contained answers to all our questions. I came back home and did a lot of research. Like I did today.
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It helped me see through.
Left & Right Eye Twitching Superstition – TL;DR
In this section, I will tell you about the varying interpretations of this superstition in different cultures in a nutshell.
- In Africa – It is believed that you may get a visitor.
- In China – If your left eye twitches, it is considered good luck, and if it is the right eye, it is considered to be a sign of bad luck.
- In Hawaii – Left eye twitching signals the arrival of a stranger or impending death in the family, whereas, right eye twitching means a child may be born soon.
- In Egypt – Left eye, you may get unpleasant news, Right eye, you may be hearing some bad news soon.
- In India – Your upper eyelid twitching means you will gain money soon, whereas, lower eyelid twitching signifies you will soon have to spend some of your hard-earned cash.
To learn more, read below in detail.

Where Did the Eye Twitching Superstition Originate From?
Have you been experiencing an eye twitch lately? Did you go on the internet looking for scientific answers behind the condition, only to be swarmed by information like – left eye jumping superstition, right eye twitching meaning, and whatnot?
The reason why you see so many spiritual links behind eye twitching is because eyes were considered to be a sacred source of vision, light, and knowledge in ancient folklore.
In fact, you’d be surprised to learn that warding off the evil eye is a common ritual in several parts of the world. Ancient scriptures write in length about Godly people who possessed a third eye.
In some areas of the globe, people also call different colored eyes witch eyes. It’s safe to say that superstitions and spiritual beliefs are deeply rooted in our ancient culture.
There’s no telling what time these superstitions may have originated. Some of them may even go back centuries ago. Just like our holy traditions, these beliefs are passed down as our heritage too.
Ever had a dream about an old house? Read it here, Dream About an Old House.
What Superstition is related to Twitching of Left And Right Eye?
Let’s get into the details and discuss both of them one by one.
Left Eye Twitching Superstition Meaning:
What does it mean when your left eye jumps? Everyone has a different aspect of viewing things. It may be acceptable for one but not for another.
- It is believed that if your left eye is twitching then you are going to hear bad news. Someone is going to say bad things about you.
- When you take the name of the right person your eyes will stop jumping.
- Left eye jumping meaning: They also say that if your left eye is jumping then a loved one or a friend is doing something behind your back.
- Or they may be in trouble.
Others have a more spiritual thought when it comes to left eye twitching meaning. They feel it’s your mind trying to release thoughts of your past. Maybe you care too much about what others think of you or your actions.
In general, if sayings are to be believed, left eye twitching meaning reflects something unexpected is going to happen that probably will not be delightful.
Try to assess how you are feeling or what you are thinking about next time your left eye starts to twitch.
Right Eye Twitching Superstition Meaning:
What does it mean when your right eye jumps? If your right eye is twitching, then you are going to hear some good news.
If your right eye jumps then someone is speaking well of you. Maybe you’ll see someone you haven’t seen in a long time.
So, the right eye twitching meaning is a symbol of good fortune coming your way. This right eye jumping means, Isn’t that funny?
Our parents did not question these beliefs. They followed them with their eyes shut. Twitching or not. Science does not support all these things. Some still believe that if your right eye is twitching then your soul is telling you something.
Now let’s discuss some of the most well-known superstitions in different regions around the world.
We found this interesting video on this superstition, see and enjoy.
Countries and Beliefs Related to Eye Twitching
In some parts of Africa, particularly Cameroon and Nigeria. People have several eye-twitching superstitions.
- If your upper eyelid (of either eye) jumps then some unexpected visitor will soon visit you.
- If your lower eyelid (of either eye) jumps then you will begin to cry.
- In Nigeria, it is said that if your left eye twitches then it is a sign of bad luck.
Here the superstitions are that if your left eye twitches then it is a sign of good luck and if your right eye twitches then it is a sign of bad luck.
The word “left” in Mandarin sounds similar to “money” and the “right” sounds similar to disaster. This means that the left eye twitches to riches and the right eye twitches to bad luck.
In China, the left eye twitching can be good or bad, as they feel the time of the day is also part of the puzzle.
For example, a left eye twitch between
- The midnight and 3 am, mean that problems lie ahead.
- 9 am and 11 am means that someone will do something nice for you, but they will expect a favor in return.
- 3 pm and 6 pm means you will lose money (so avoid gambling.)
- 1 and 3 pm, means everything will go as planned. At certain times of the day, it means the arrival of good news or fortune.
- Right eye twitch between 7 and 11 am means your chance of an injury or accident is high.
- Right eye twitch between 7 pm and 10 pm, means good luck will fall upon you or you will complete a project.
There is a superstition that if your left eye twitches, it may indicate the arrival of a stranger or an impending death in the family.
There is also a right eye twitching superstition that a twitching right eye could signify that a child will be born soon.
They also feel that if the left eye twitches, the person would receive unpleasant news, as evils exist on the left side.
If one’s right eye twitches, the person will receive good news, as the right side symbolizes peace and angels.
Did you know that in Egypt the Eye of Horus was thought to have healing powers and used to protect the pharaohs in the afterlife?

Eye twitching is mentioned numerous times in Hindu scripture. When a god has a twitching eye, it often acts as an important omen, signifying future events. There are many eye-twitching superstitions in India depending on region and religion, but there are some common themes many of the superstitions share.
Left eye twitching meaning for male and female: Many Indian eye-twitching superstitions depend on whether the person with the twitching eye is male or female. If your right eye is twitching, that is good luck for a man and bad luck for a woman. If your left eye is twitching, that is bad luck for a man but good luck for a woman.
In India, an eye-twitching superstition is also rooted around which part of the eye is jumping. Here’s how:
- It’s considered a sign of good luck by Indian ancestors if the pupil of your eye is twitching.
- You’re about to be showered with money if the upper part of either of your eyes is twitching.
- That said, if your lower eyelid starts twitching, then Indians believe you’ll soon need to spend your hard-earned money.
- If your upper eyelid of either eye is twitching, then it could be a sign of upcoming bad news.
- Lastly, if it is your eyebrows that are twitching, then it is an indicator of the birth of a baby or that you’ll soon be hearing some good news!
Now, isn’t that fascinating to hear?
This all depends upon what a person believes. We aren’t stating that a person who believes in all these things is wrong somewhere. We all have the right to believe in anything we want. But it’s just that these things do not have any factual ground to prove themselves. So a person can think twice before believing in these things.
Also, read the very popular sneezing myth.
What Does Science Have to Say About This Eye Twitching Superstition?

Can eye twitching land you on a load of money? Or, would you meet some of your old friends?
Doctors say otherwise. Blepharospasm, the scientific term for eye twitching, is a repeated, involuntary spasm of the eyelid muscle.
Doctors still haven’t found the exact reason behind eye twitching but they say that it’s not a matter of concern. It may be caused due to fatigue, stress, high caffeine consumption, dry eyes, etc.
In almost 99.99% of cases, eye twitching stops on its own. But if the eye still twitches then you should get enough sleep, stay hydrated, avoid eye irritants, cut back on caffeine, and use eye drops in case your eyes are dry.
Okay, so I will conclude here by saying that it’s okay to believe in eye-twitching superstitions but I have seen a lot of people who are leaving their important things because of this.
According to me, it’s not advisable to leave your important work behind because of a twitch in the eye. I’ll leave the rest to you.
Now, we have a question for you, do you know what it means to see a dream of sweets? If you know, answer it in the comments section.
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This is the best helpful article to clear your superstition.
I think clear information on male , female on right left eye is different . kit goes like for female right is bad , left is good same vice verse to male. reverse to male in telugu belief.