Great Interview series for the benefit of all who are willing to shift or looking to change, It will also also help freshers in facing some tough questions like – Why Should We Hire you?, Why we should hire you in our company?, What is that extra skill you have to make us hire you? In this series, we will cover the aspects behind this question and also the solutions and approach towards some best answers to – “Why Should we hire you”.
Before this, please don’t miss to read out How to Prepare well for the interview,

Why Should we Hire You |
How to Answer this Tricky Question -
You need to be cautious while answering to this question. The purpose of interviewer is to see your level of confidence on your key skills. They also like to see the parity between what you write on resume and what you say verbally. This is also a kind of artificially stressful situation to sell yourself, being creative to give a different answer, which other 10 guys are not giving.
You need to take care of few things as mentioned below –
"Answering "Why Should we Hire You" is a
Fair Chance to you to sell Yourself"
Please be very clear in your mind that no other question will give you as good chance as this one (Why We Should Hire You) to prove your abilities, successes, match with job description and something which you know, Interviewer has not notice or asked till now and you always wanted to showcase that. So go and sell yourself.
a) Sell yourself in a creative way, according to the role and profile, don’t give vague or copied answers.
b) You need to match your skills and experience which is required to perform this Job efficiently as per Job Description.
c) Convince them on how you can prove to be an asset. Focus on your go getter attitute with minimum training or intervention required. Someone who can be equivalent to a existing employee there, right from the Day 1.
d) Go extra Mile and show that what extra you have to offer, how versatile you are, how comfortable are you with extra assignments, travels, deadline orientation etc.
e) Don’t forget to support your answer with facts – mention your last ratings, appreciation letters, awards and recognitions if any, received by you for some core job related performances. If you have been ever awarded for out of the box thinking, innovations, process improvement ideas – don’t just miss it.
f) Besides your capabilities and experiences etc, also you need to talk about how passionate you are for this particular role. You need to showcase that you are a performer because you love this role and task, you are made for this role only.
g) You need to be “Honest” in your approach. you should not be sounding manipulative or speaking something which is tough to digest. Speak on achievements, your alignment with goals and missions of company, extra mile you can go, value additions you can bring in, successes you have achieved which gives confidence on what you say, and finally a honest person. Honesty which is reflected by you eyes not something you need to speak on.

What to Avoid -
Common Mistakes you generally do-
There are few common mistakes which half of you generally do and finally gets scared when this question is asked. You always get frightened when the interviewers asked “Why should I hire you”
Some stats to quote – As per Uber Suggest, this question is searched approx 22000 in United States and approx 35000 per month in India. Similarly in many countries, thousands of people search for this question.
Now I how you all will get some clue if now much, in order to answer this question well –
a) Avoid very long answers, don’t speak too much. You need to know summarising the answer in few lines only. See if you can close the answer with in 2 minutes or so.
b) You seriously need to avoid being introvert or expression less. Use body language, facts, your manager’s /peer comments about yourself to support your answer.
c) Prepare well for the interview, don’t just take it lightly. Figure out some important points you have to speak upon, brush them up. Be polite, honest and confident at the same time.
d) Dont just give general or vague answers which you also know are useless. Discuss whats unique to you. Interviewer would have asked this question from 10 candidates before you and surprise him with something innovative and useful, he would not have heard till now.
e) You should articulate it in such a way that it doesn’t leave a impression that you are willing to shift only for money.
f) You should not be sounding like desparate for this role. On the other hand, don’t sound like dull. You should display your enthusiasm for this role and company.
For a Fresher -
Why Should I Hire You's Answers
Why should we Hire you is always a strange question for many freshers as they have just passed their colleges where they have never faced such questions.
Please focus on communications skills, willingness to work extra hours if work demands, promise of stability, family background, how you can contribute to overall success of the organisation together with your academic records and assignments handled as a leader, if any. Highlight some of your key strengths, familiarity with job location and related things.
So the best answer to “Why should I hire you” for FRESHER will be –
- Thanks alot for giving me this opportunity. I have just completed my MBA from ABC College, which is one of the known colleges in the country. This college has given me the exposure to various cultures and backgrounds. I also got the Chance to interact and team work with students of high intellect. Studying in this college, I was the head of placement council and various clubs which helped me in getting corporate exposure and visits as well. Living in hostel, made me good at managing my own stuffs timely and efficiently including finances etc. If I talk about the family background, I belong to a service class family with my father a senior official at large corporate, I have learned alot from him on importance of meeting your deadlines, kras and overall responsibility.
- “Dear Sir, This is a wonderful opportunity for me to get interviewed for such a crucial position at (organisation name). (organisation name) will surely prove to be an excellent platform for me to learn the practical aspects of corporate world and utilise my skills, education and overall abilities. I understand that I am a fresher, but I can assure you that If given a chance, I can contribute significantly to the overall growth of the department and company. I have always accepted challenges in my life and ensured that I always succeed in my goals. Adaptibility to fast changing environment, Being innovative and finding efficient ways to do complex tasks are some of my core competencies which is a rare blend. Also you can check my academics with top scores and overall achievements in my resume .
- Although I’m a recent graduate, my Qualification i.e. MBA, Finance, and Marketing all coincide with this position. During my summer internship, I have gained some job experience relevant to this role in your esteemed organisation and it has been mentioned in my resume as well. I honestly enjoyed working for this profile during my internship and that time only I madeup my mind to start my career with this profile. Infact, if you would want to check, I earned the incentive also there as my performance was good. Finally, I have been crossing my fingers for this job specifically, because there would be no better place I’d rather work!
For Experienced Candidates-
Why Should we Hire You's - Best Answers and Samples
Few samples and answers to handle the question “Why should we hire you” can be as follows but again I would urge you to only take them as a reference and prepare well, your own answers with the help of this list –
- Example 1 # Thank you for asking this very important question related to (XYZ process). As per the research I have done and even as per your official Job description,your company is looking for a experienced Team Leader who is a experienced communicator and marketer for your new site. Basis that, Iam confident that Iam the right fit for this job and can be of great help to the organisation as I increased my last company’s productivity by 36% through my expertise in Facebook advertising campaign. I will be keen to bring that expertise to your company and the success of this company will be my key priority.
- Example 2 # “In my last performance discussion, My manager has documented that my advanced Microsoft Office skills are excellent! Iam sure from the successes in my past experiences, the skills I have acquired over the years through experience and also various certifications, can bring much value and also growth to (Organisation Name). I am confident the if the job role will be offered, it will serve my purpose along with the development of the (Organisation Name).”
- Example 3 #Thanks for giving me the fair chance to discuss my ability to handle this role. I have been an avid traveler since my childhood. Even at this stage, whenever I had to book the flights for myself or family, (Organisation Name) Airlines would be my preferred choice. (Organisation Name) Airlines is a preferred Airlines for all economic as well as business class, hence it will be a great opportunity for me to work for a brand I have always admired. On top of this, I believe that my experience of 5 years, communication skills, patience and multitasking skills would surely be helping me in becoming your best Crew Member.
- Example 4 #Thanks for asking this question, Basis my resume, you would have noticed that the majority of my previous assignments were of a Software Developer. My current position has given me a fair knowledge of sales and technology both from client and organisation’s perspective. I saw your job description and found that you need someone who is friendly to handle new clients in (organisation name). If given a chance, Iam sure that Iam the best for this role! With my Microsoft and Google certifications and relevant technical background, I will be able to add value to your overall new client onboarding processes.
- Example 5 # Honestly, with no idea about the experience of the other candidates, I can talk about the qualifications that make me the best fit for this position. I haved worked in this same position with XYZ LIMITED for approx 10 years, I successfully managed a team of 20 in our Digital Marketing Unit which I was heading, responsible for approving and managing budgets, monitoring creative campaigns, client visits and overall productivity of teams. Recently, one critical campaign I oversaw generated a 21% increase in brand awareness among our target demographic. Iam confident that Iam ready to spread my wings at a company of your size and repute.
Frequently asked questions -
Why do you want this Job?
This question is thrown to you as recruiter wants to: Understand you clarity on career goals and how this position fits into that. Read our RESUME/CAREER OBJECTIVE page for best details on this. Make sure that you show your interest in well articulated manner and convince them that you will be motivated to perform if hired. On the otherhand, try not to be sounding like desparate for this job. Research on company’s business, its overall position in the market etc and mention this.
Why should we hire you over other candidates?
We have already discussed this enough above, however, if you have a little knowledge about the competitors sitting there for interview, try to do positive comparision. Don’t talk negative about others.
Why should I hire you in BPO?
Mention your key strengths which are required for BPO or call center, like communication skills, willingness to work in rotational shifts, customer service skills or technical skills etc.
Why are your weaknesses?
Be ready with some of the weaknesses that will not impact someone’s business. Once you will be done with “Why should we hire you” where you will speak all positives about you, they will surely comeup with weekness check.
What are the good questions to ask in the end of an interview?
Prepare some brilliant question like – “If you can please elaborate the role a little”, “If you can please discuss the expectations from this role”, “Current team size there and how the work is currently distributed”, “Process related to trainings and induction required for this job” etc
In few websites you will see that they have suggested you to ask for the feedback, however, you need to give them time for that, dont sound like desparate as I mentioned earlier. There may be other candidates also sitting outside for this interview, meeting without them, they will not disclose any result.
How do you close an Interview?
fI included this question in this series as many of you asked about it. You will find answering multiple questions how to start etc.
But information on closing the interview is a rare article on the internet.
Closing an interview means preparing to leave your mark in the eyes of recruiter. So you should ask some relevant questions as mentioned above, discuss the profile and expectations, Show your willingness and ability to perform on them. Remind them again, reiterate on your key skills matching the role. Go ahead and ask if they need any further information, any referance check etc. You may also check on next process or what’s next.
Be polite during the final closure and close the interview with some sentences like – “it was pleasure meeting you today”
Should you accept coffee at an Interview?
Off the topic question but I added it as one of my candidate who went for the interview of sales role, came out after the interview and called me to discuss a funny incident . Interviewer offered him coffee all of a sudden as he was ordering for himself and the candidate got stunned and could find the suitable reply, wheter to say yes or no as the environment was a bit tensed there.
See – someone has offered you Coffee out of courtsey, it is his greatness which you should respect. You may check if ordering a coffee will cost him personally or will bother him in some way you can simply avoid by saying that “Thanks Sir, But I only take one coffee in the morning and have already had it ” so that he didn’t mind it.
If it is usual coffee or tea time like morning or evening, you may accept it also. If it is a second or third round probably, then also you know the interviewer for atleast last 2 visits, its OK.
If interview is stretched for longer then expected and then a coffee is offered, again it is ok. So its purely situational and I see no harm in it.
But the trick here may be to check your etiquettes, like waiting for him to start first, thanking him for the coffee, how you take your sips etc.
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